Our experienced team of specialists develops advanced mobile and web products.
We thoroughly study new technologies, work on improving our expertise, and help companies expand their business. We work with big corporations, fast-growing start-ups, and tech companies.
We work according to the RentaTeam Developer Guide. The guide describes our requirements for the work process: full immersion in the client’s tasks, risk analysis and assessment, and taking responsibility for the result. This unified standard lets employees quickly start working on a project, helps us structure our business processes, and lets us be sure of our results.
We value our employees for making balanced decisions, striving for self-development, actively participating in projects, and for their initiative. We create a comfortable and open environment for our team.
Top-tier developers with at least 3 years of experience. We successfully go through interviews at leading tech companies. We are eager to show you the quality of our code and Open Source solutions.
We plan our work stages to meet budget and deadline requirements. We design, develop, and test the product stage by stage.
We establish goals, deadlines, and the budget of a project from the very beginning. This process is entirely transparent, with full access to project management, source code, plans, and the amount of time spent on each development step. We also appoint a Project manager to our case for direct communication.
The development cycle. We know how important it is to plan your budget and deadlines. We consider this at the very beginning of a project, and maintain it up to the product release.
Studying the audience: hallway usability testing, CustDev, business analysis.
Forming key values and use cases.
We create detailed clickable prototypes, which help assess the use case convenience.
We work in two-week sprints, during which we develop, test, and present results.
Market launch of the first product version in 1-3 months.
Compiling and assessing key product metrics.
Forming product hypotheses, optimizing the business model, and product metrics.
Improving traffic rate and optimizing the product for managing high loads.
We use a modern tech stack along with development analysis and project management approaches.
Native mobile applications for iOS and Android
High-load web-applications.
Cross-platform solutions
Product management
Project management
UX/UI design
Web frontend
При старте работы мы рассчитаем стоимость проекта индивидуально, отталкиваясь от задач, скоупа работ и команды специалистов, которая будет работать над продуктом